This Is My Why… The Evolution of THE ORIGINAL HMF

You may be wondering, why this? Why now?


As I have mentioned in previous blogs, this isn’t a new thing for me. It’s just new that I’m sharing it with all of you. I’ve had some kind of mindfulness practice for the better part of my life. I became a Yoga teacher in 2009 when I was so young that I didn’t fully understand, appreciate, or know what it meant because I hadn’t experienced life the way I have now. But I inherently knew this was for me and what I needed. Maybe you know too?

Now it may seem crazy to some to move from my successful beauty education business in a different direction. But fear not; I am not giving up my beauty business! I still love all things beauty, I still try as many treatments and products as I can, and I still love sharing all of that with all of you! But let’s be realistic; I am only one person. I have one face and one body. There are only so many things I can try and test, especially at one time.

But more importantly, I know that you must be good mentally before you can get any satisfaction from the things you are doing for yourself physically. I see it, and if I’m being honest, I’ve also lived it. We can become so preoccupied with portraying this perfect image to the world that it’s easy to lose sight of what is actually important.

It’s easier to distract ourselves than to do the work that we desperately need to do. A lot of people don’t do the work; they just keep going and going, keeping busy and distracting themselves from their inner disturbances. For some, the timing isn’t right; for others, they know what’s up but don’t want to acknowledge it, and it’s all ok because it’s a personal journey, and timing is everything.

All that being said…The Original HMF ethos has always stayed the same in that being high maintenance is not a bad thing. It’s loving yourself and taking care of yourself so that you can be the best version of yourself. What’s changed is that The Original HMF has expanded into more than just beauty and your outer self. I’ve always been very focused on self-care and taking time to be the best version of yourselves, but we are all getting so caught up in the superficial that we forget to do the inner work. I personally have been studying the mind-body connection for my entire adult life and, in the last few years, have come back around to it in a more in-depth and meaningful way, and that is what I want to share. The original HMF will still include beauty content, but it will take on the new meaning of self-care through wellness, mindfulness, and the mind-body connection.


I hope that you all will welcome this new division of The Original HMF and be as excited about it as I am excited to share it. This new division will give me the opportunity to connect with more of you in a more meaningful, authentic, and personal way, and I cannot wait!


Peace, Love, and Expanding



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Jenna McDonough

Hi I’m Jenna McDonough. My passion has always been for writing and beauty, and I feel incredibly blessed to combine the two, to help beauty businesses grow their brand with informational, high quality, exciting, and succinct content.


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